Thanks for your comment! But I don’t agree with you. The title may be a bit clickbait but it is not dishonest at all.
I already told that in a few other comments, but I can repeat it again. With my backend dev and I we had a great level of experience and templates code base, and even some services ready out of the box, that microservice architecture didn’t add any complexity versus monolithic one.
I already made a few pet projects and pocs with supabase. Plus I know very well how it is built (and i told why:). I work with it more than a year already, and the specific of my work gives me the good level of platform knowledge and its capabilities understanding.
I wanted to cover what I think is the largest thing I would change in how i was building tech parts. And this is my biggest lesson as I see it, again, from technology point of view exclusively.
There were obviously plenty of errors in business decisions, strategy. But it was not topic for this article. If you wanted to hear about these I am sorry you didn’t find it here, but the insights would be sort of boring. We made all the basic mistakes that you could avoid watching YC youtube channel or good product management courses. Though I chose the cto role in the title instead of “founder”, “ceo”, “pm”, etc.
I know that as cto i was also responsible for the product and marketing, but again, these insights were not the topic as I think these mistakes are too common and boring.
I am sure there are some people like me who would find my main idea here useful. But in the same time others may be looking for smth else or already understand this. And this is fine, we all are different people, we have different backgrounds and points of view.